
Massive Motions

 Ocean image via Earth’s surface is about 70 percent water, almost all of it in constant motion.  Tides, currents, roaring rivers, meadow brooks.  Even glaciers …

Election Week

  Scientific American (September 2012) reported research that the brain may sleep in parts, not all at once.  The article was about how a sleeping person …


This is the second in a series about photography techniques that can provide artistic distortions. Slitscan photography and videography.  Artists are already at work in …


Maybe I was unduly influenced by JRR Tolkien’s Ents in childhood.  Huge trees seem like powers, nearly personalities.  You put your hand on a trunk and …


from Shinichi Maruyama’s Kusho series (copyright the artist) Fluidity.  Flow, gush, meander, mingle.  There’s something about freedom in a lazy curve.  Water  – like air, earth, fire …